The ‘Gänseliesel’ (Goose Girlis), a historical fountain erected in 1901, represents the most well-known landmark of the city of Goettingen.

The Goettingen Journal of International Law ( seeks contributions on the topic

“The UN Mechanisms in Times of Global Crisis” (Deadline: 28th February 2025).

Since its inception, the United Nations (UN) has been a cornerstone of international cooperation and conflict resolution. In times of global crises such as pandemics, climate change, armed conflict and economic disruption, the effectiveness of UN mechanisms is put to the test. This essay competition seeks to examine how these mechanisms respond to and mitigate the effects of such crises and to propose improvements for their future efficacy.

We encourage a broad interpretation of the topic, inviting both historical and contemporary analyses. Possible topics for essays may include – but are not limited to – an exploration of the following questions: Current Challenges and Responses, Historical Failures, and Positive Contributions.

See for further information: Student Essay Competition


SEC 2025 Poster Preview



The Editors
The Editors
Thomas Buergenthal and the Americas: A Comprehensive Contribution to Human Rights Protection
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Kai Ambos
The Montreux Convention and its Importance for International Peace and Security
Ioannis Antonopoulos
Regulating Uncertainty: On the Regulation of Human Behavior and its Interpretation by the Court of Justice of the European Union
Dr. Sebastian J. Kasper, LL.M.
Adding to the Toolbox: Court Published ‘Fact Sheets’ in the EU Legal Order
Mareike Hoffmann
To Err Twice: Methodological Pluralism Through the Lens of EU Prison Policy
Christos Papachristopoulos and Denise Di Nica

Complete Edition

Issue 15.1
