The ‘Gänseliesel’ (Goose Girlis), a historical fountain erected in 1901, represents the most well-known landmark of the city of Goettingen.

The Goettingen Journal of International Law ( seeks contributions on the topic

“The UN Mechanisms in Times of Global Crisis” (Deadline: 28th February 2025).

Since its inception, the United Nations (UN) has been a cornerstone of international cooperation and conflict resolution. In times of global crises such as pandemics, climate change, armed conflict and economic disruption, the effectiveness of UN mechanisms is put to the test. This essay competition seeks to examine how these mechanisms respond to and mitigate the effects of such crises and to propose improvements for their future efficacy.

We encourage a broad interpretation of the topic, inviting both historical and contemporary analyses. Possible topics for essays may include – but are not limited to – an exploration of the following questions: Current Challenges and Responses, Historical Failures, and Positive Contributions.

See for further information: Student Essay Competition


SEC 2025 Poster Preview



The Editors
The Editors
Thomas Buergenthal and the Americas: A Comprehensive Contribution to Human Rights Protection
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Kai Ambos
The Montreux Convention and its Importance for International Peace and Security
Ioannis Antonopoulos
Regulating Uncertainty: On the Regulation of Human Behavior and its Interpretation by the Court of Justice of the European Union
Dr. Sebastian J. Kasper, LL.M.
Adding to the Toolbox: Court Published ‘Fact Sheets’ in the EU Legal Order
Mareike Hoffmann
To Err Twice: Methodological Pluralism Through the Lens of EU Prison Policy
Christos Papachristopoulos and Denise Di Nica

Complete Edition

Issue 15.1



The GoJIL strives to be a platform for enriching contributions to scholarly discourse in international law. To that end, GoJIL engages in various activities.



Scholar Conferences

Student Essay Competition




GoJIL’s mainstay is the publishing of two issues a year. Since 2009, a total of twenty-one issues have been released, containing a wide range of topics of international law and related fields. Our articles can be found as pre-published articles or as an article in one of our issues.


Scholar conferences

Likewise, GoJIL provides for scholar interaction in the form of conferences, symposia and workshops with its ensuing inclusion in GoJIL’s issues, for example:


Russlands Krieg gegen die Ukraine: Völkerrechtliche und geschichtswissenschaftliche Perspektiven


Online Symposium. "Private Actors in Space Law"


Lecture by and discussion with Prof. Markus Schladebach. "Private Akteure im Weltraumrecht"


Online Symposium in cooperation with Dr. Valentin Schatz and the University of Hamburg. "Does the Exception Swallow the Rule?: The Compulsory Settlement of EEZ Fisheries Disputes under Part XVof UNCLOS"


Lecture by and discussion with Prof. Georg Nolte in cooperation with the Goettingen Society for the Promotion of International Law e.V.
"Quellen des Völkerrechts in der Arbeit der ILC"


Lecture by and discussion with Prof. Jean d'Aspremont in cooperation with the Chair of RiBVerfG Prof. Andreas Paulus
"Elements of Customary International Law"


Lecture by Dr. Naseef Naeem, Prof. Irene Schneider, Leo Wigger and Jan-Henrik Hinselmann in cooperation with the Chair of RiBVerfG Prof. Andreas Paulus
"Verfassungsentwicklung in den Arabischen Republiken & die aktuelle Situation im Iran"


04. - 05.04.2019:
Representation at the ESIL Research Forum
Publicity for the Special Issue GoJIL Vol. 9, No. 1 with Dr. Till Patrik Holterhus MLE., LL.M.


Young Scholars Workshop in Hamburg
Contact and cooperation with Anne Dienelt und Dr. Britta Sjöstedt
Special Issue „Protection of the Environment in Relation to Armed Conflict“ (will be published in the beginning of next year)


09. - 10.11.2018:
Participation and contact with organizer Sebastian Ericht about future publishing
"Unpacking Social and Economic Rights: International and Comparative Dimensions"


Presentation by Raphael Oidtmann In cooperation with the Chair of RiBVerfG Prof. Andreas Paulus
"Law v. Power-The Interplay of IL & Int. Relations in the ERA of Back Lash - Between Convergence, Complementarity and Conflict"


Presentation by Dr. Michal Kramer and discussion with RiBVerfG Prof. Andreas Paulus
"Human Dignity as a constitutional source für human rights: Comparing Israel and Germany"


Booksymposium with Prof. Helmut August, Dr. Eirik Bjorge and RiBVerfG Prof. Andreas Paulus
"Engagement of Domestic Courts with International Law"


Presentation by and Discussion with Professor Dire Tladi
“What is the role of ius cogens in today's international legal order?”


09. - 10.03.2012:
“Precursors to International Constitutionalism: The Development of the German Constitutional Approach to International law”
The contributions are published in GoJIL Vol. 4, No. 2.
07. - 09.09.2010:
"Resources of Conflict – Conflicts over Resources"
The contributions are published in GoJIL Vol. 3, No. 1.
15. - 16.10.2009:
“Strategies for Solving Global Crises - The Financial Crises and Beyond”
The contributions are published in GoJIL Vol. 2, No. 1.



Student Essay Competition

GoJIL places particular emphasis on the promotion of young academics. Accordingly, the journal holds an annual essay competition targeting just this audience: students and doctoral candidates alike are called on to submit a paper on a certain topic. This topic may either pertain to a distinct legal or be confined to a distinct legal domain. The best submission is published in GoJIL.


  • 2020

    "Artificial Intelligence and International Law: International Legal Perspectives on Technological Progress"
  • 2018

    "Deterrence or Escalation? – Nuclear Weapons under International Law"
    Monika Subritzky
    “An Analysis of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Light of its Form as a Framework Agreement”
    (published in GoJIL Vol. 9, No. 2)
  • 2016

    "Transparency in International Law"
    Esmé Shirlow
    “Three Manifestations of Transparency in International Investment Law: A Story of Sources, Stakeholders and Structures”
    (published in GoJIL Vol. 8, No. 1)
  • 2014

    “The International Law of the Sea”
    Valentin Schatz
    "Combating Illegal Fishing in the Exclusive Economic Zone – Flag State Obligations in the Context of the Primary Responsibility of the Coastal State"
    (Pre-published Article)
  • 2013

    “Principles of International Criminal Law”
    Mélanie Vianney-Liaud
    "Determining The Relationship Between International And Domestic Laws within an Internationalized Court: An Example From The Cambodian Extraordinary Chambers’ Jurisdiction Over International And Domestic Crimes"
    (published in GoJIL Vol. 6, No. 2)
  • 2012

    “The Interplay of International and National Law”
    Roee Ariav
    “National Investigations of Human Rights Between National and International Law"

    (published in GoJIL Vol. 4, No. 3)

  • 2011

    “Wanted Dead or Alive: The Use of Unmanned Drones in Current Conflicts as a Legal Challenge”
    Sebastian Wuschka
    “The Use of Combat Drones in Current Conflicts – A Legal Issue or a Political Problem?” (published in GoJIL Vol. 3, No. 3)
  • 2010

    “The Rise of Self-Determination”
    Cécile Vandewoude
    “The Rise of Self-Determination versus the Rise of Democracy”
    (published in GoJIL Vol. 2, No. 3)
  • 2009

    “Justifying the Use of Force”
    Marco Benatar
    “The Use of Cyber Force: Need for Legal Justification?”
    (published in GoJIL Vol. 1, No. 3)
  • 2008

    "Human Rights in Times of Terrorism"
    Eveline Schmid
    “The Right to a Fair Trial in Times of Terrorism: A Method to Identify the Non-Derogable Aspects of Article 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights”
    (published in GoJIL Vol. 1, No. 1)